How to maintain a healthy diet when you are busy - Deliciously Clean Eats

How to maintain a healthy diet when you are busy

How to maintain a healthy diet when you are busy 1

Do you feel like sometimes life gets so busy and somehow, time is just gone with the wind? Yep. We all know what it’s like. Often in such instances our healthy eating habits are first to be dropped. But we swear we will pick them back up when things quieten down…right? 


You get busy. Time narrows. The fast-food joint you’re driving past smells like swift convenience and more time for accomplishing the “more important things”. Unfortunately, letting habits slip can really take a toll on your mental and physical wellbeing. 


Catch this 22: by neglecting your diet, you are sabotaging your own ability to keep on top of things. But when you fuel your body correctly, you will be more capable of entertaining all endeavours, tasks, quests, and pursuits. So, when your huge pile of obligations eats up the hours in the day, there are certain tips and tricks that can help you stay down with the healthiness. 


Say yes to convenient kitchen products 

Don’t enjoy food prep? You’re definitely not alone. Stock your fridge and pantry with some healthy, ready-to-use products to make cooking all-the-less intimidating.   


Canned legumes – an instant protein and fibre boost that you need only drain and rinse before adding to your favourite curry, salad, casserole, or soup. 


Frozen produce – stock your freezer with ample pre-cut, frozen fruit and vegetables that you can chuck straight in your meal of choice when it is almost ready! 


Instant rice – 90 seconds in the microwave and bam! You’ve got yourself a healthy carb element for your meal. Opt for brown rice for extra fibre and longer-lasting satiety. 


Carry healthy snacks on hand 

Speaking of optimizing satiety, keep yourself satisfied throughout the day by stashing healthy snacks for some on-the-go fuel. Try dried fruit and nuts, protein balls, a banana, carrot sticks…compact, nutritious, and delicious! 


Prep breakfast the night before

Don’t feel like you’ve got time to make brekky before rushing off to that AM meeting? Take 10 minutes out of your night before and whip up a DIY grab-n-go breakfast for those busy, early mornings. Track down a simple bircher muesli recipe or pre-freeze some of your favourite fruit and vegetables into portions to chuck straight in the blender with milk or water. Easy done! 


Freezing is your friend

Save time going back to the shops again to get more of the same foods that didn’t make the cut in your busy lifestyle to be used/eaten before perishing. Got leftovers? Freeze it. Veggies getting old? Freeze them. Shredded cheese? Freeze it. Cooked rice? Freeze it. FREEZE EVERYTHING EVER (almost). Then grab it straight back out when you actually need it! 


Utilize dietitian-approved meal delivery services

I mean it would be rude not to mention it. We had to. But seriously, you want to save time and still eat well for the week? Look no further than our most ordered product, the 6-pack. That’s healthy lunches to fuel your week done at the push of a button! Still no time? We have a 10-pack as well. But don’t stop there on our account – wraps, brekkies burgers, bliss balls! Trust us, they all taste sweet like spare time. We’ll cheers to that.


By Madison Perkins

USC Nutrition Student

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